The Australia. Yule, from Leith to Port Phillip was burnt at sea about 600 miles West of the Cape of G.iod Hope -crew and passengers, except two, caved.
Arrived—At Gravesend, March 23d. Samaraug. Robertson, from Bengal; 25th, Mary Nixon, Field, from Mauritius. Off Falmouth. 24th. Sultana, Probyu, from ditto. At Liverpool, 21st. Mary Sharp. Watson; and Corinna. Wilmott, from Bengal ; 25th. Ot- terspool, Scale.. from ditto. oir di to. 26th, President, Kinger. from ditto. At St. Helena. Royal Saxon, Black, from Bombay. At the Cape, previous to 19th Jan. Rifle- man. Davis; Packet, Stirling; and Bromleys, Knox, from London; Northumberland, Guthrie ; Moutefiores, Pall ; Reliance, Patullo, from Bengal.
Salted-From Gravesend. March 24h, Mary Ann, Wordsworth, for Bengal. From Liverpool, 25th. Flowers of Ugie. Annan, for Bengal.