Earl O'neill Died On Thursday, At Dublin. He Was Once
Grand Mas- ter of the Orangeinen of Ireland. His death occasions a vacancy in the Representative Peerage of Ireland, the Lord-Lieutenancy of the county of Antrim, the Colonelcy......
We Rejoice To Hear, That There Is Every Probability Of
the "Tract" nuisance being put down, and that in the simplest, shortest, and most effectual way. It is currently reported that the highest authority in the Church of England has......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCFIANGE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. It will be seen by the report of the proceedings of the House of Commons on Monday evening, that in reply to a question by Mr. HUME as to the......
Letters From Valencia, Of The 13th Instant, Announce That...
General Seoane had issued orders for the demolition of all the fortresses in the province. The people of Chiva had sent a deputation to the General, praying him to spare the......
The Paris Moniteur Of Thursday Contains A Telegraphic...
nouncing serious disturbances in the South. "Marseilles, 24th March 1841. "THE PREFECT OF THE MOUTHS OF THE RHONE TO THE MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR. " Anarchists of the lowest......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 24th inst., in Grafton Street, the Countess of DUNMORE was safely delivered of a son and heir. At Edinburgh. Lady A ...NNE CRUICKSHANK. Of R. daughter. On the 23d......
East India Shipping.
The Australia. Yule, from Leith to Port Phillip was burnt at sea about 600 miles West of the Cape of G.iod Hope -crew and passengers, except two, caved. Arrived—At Gravesend,......