27 MARCH 1841, Page 20


Tuesday, March 23.


Abbott and Dyer. Piddletrenthide. Dorsetshire, weolstaplers—Bagnall and Co. Tividale Colliery, Staffordshire. coal-masters; as far as regards Smith—Heap and Co. Thornton. Yorkshire. stone-delvers ; as far as regards Speusley and Broadhead—Ken- dall and Laundou. Leicester. grocers—Davenport and Co. Oxford, bankers; as far as regards J. M. Davenport—Milton slid Fletcher, Birmingham—Owens:Ind Richardson, Liierpool, bakers—Ireland and Co. Plaistow, farmers ; as tar as regards Flatlets Ire- land—Vigurs and Co. London; as far as regards Brown and Flight—g. and H. Payne, Berkliampstead, drapers—Bloxam and Panting...hreus nry, sttornien—WiIIiatns anti Severue, Anley Kings. Worcestershire, plumhers—Fisher and Smith. Preston. corn- dealers —Robinson and Brown, Leadenhall Street. goldsmiths—W. 1). and T. Bates, Whitechapel Road. corn-merchauts—Millard and Co. Montague Mews, Russell Square,

livery-stable-keepers—R. Norris. Liverpool, attorntes—W. and W. Good, Lym.- ington. linendrapers—Phillips and Jones, Walworth Road, paperstainers—T. and E. Thornford, Dorsetshire, farmers—Forbes and Co. Aberdeen, Salmon Fishing Company.


Branatto, Thomas, Bideford merchant, March M.

HOSKINS, FRANCIS, Birmingham, wine-merchant, March 23.


BLOODWORTH, EDWARD, Loughborough. miller, to surrender March 30. May 4: SO. licitors, Messrs. Emmett and Allen, Bloomsbury Square; and Mr. Ilucknell, Lough- borough. BRADSHAW, Jour:, Oswestry, mercer. April 6, May 4: solicitors, Messrs. Baxter, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Messrs. Sale and Worthington, Manchester ; and Mr. Hayward., Oswestry.

HARGREAVES, Kildwick. Yorkshire. worsted-spinner, April 1. May 4 : solicitors, Mr. Craig, Harpur Street. Red Lion Square; and Mr. Alcock, Skipton. Hoerr, Haway, Birmingham, victualler, March 31, May 4 : solicitors, Mr. Chaplin, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Harrison, Birmingham.

LAMB, HENRY, Manchester. grocer, April 14, May 4: solicitors. Messrs. Adlingtou and Co. Bedford Row ; awl Messrs. Claigh and Thompson, Manchester. LEA. JAMES, Gloucester, butcher. April 12, May 4: solicitors, Messrs. King and Sun, Sergeant's Inn, Fleet Street; and Mr. Dowling. Gloucester. ROBINSON, PETER. Warrington. brewer. April 6. May 4 : solicitora, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett 's Buildings ; and Mr. Bayley. Warrington. &wares, FREDERICK, Hoxton Old Town, victualler. March 30. May 4 solicitor. Mr. Ware, Blackman Street ; official assignee. Mr. Abbott, King's Arms Yard. SPENCER. WILLIAM. Leamington. brush-manufacturer, April 6, May 4 : solicitor, Mr. Baylis, Devonshire Square ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street. SPENCER, WILLIAM. Moorgate. Nottinghamshire, tanner, April 2. May 4 : solicitors, Messrs. Campbell and Whitty. Essex Street, Strand; Messrs. Fox and Lowe, Notting- ham ; and Messrs. Meo and Bigsby. East Retford.

Wean, HENRY. Stafford. builder, April 7, May 4 : solicitors, Messrs. Clowes and Wedlake, Temple ; and Mr. Warn, Staflbrd.


Apri123, Chanson, Burton Street, Berkeley Square. haberdasher-April 13, Davies. Knightsbridge. grocer-April 14, Hankins, Tottenham Court Road, draper-April 14. Simkin, Rederoas Street, grocer-April 14, Griffin, Windsor, wine-merchant-April 16, Brooke. Leeds, grocer-April 14. Elliott, Nottingham, lace.manufacturer-April 23, Meseley. Pyes Mill, Cheshire. cottou.spinner-April 14, Holt, Grantham, wine. merchant -April 15, Thompson, Great Yarmouth. steam-packet-proprietor-April 19, Grove, Birmingham, malleable-ironfounder-April 27, Gisborne, Brynderry, Mon- mouthshire, cattle-salesman-April 13, Hulme, Leeds, attorney-at-law-Sept. 14, Edwards. Menai Bridge Iron-foundry, Carnarvoushire, iron-founder - April 17 Nyman. Bath, furrier-April 13, Nicholson and Baylis. Canterbury, coal-merchants- April 17, Wentworth and Co. York, bankers-April 16. Holdfurth and Baid. Liver- pool. commission-merchants-April 20, Hedges, Downend, Gloucestershire. tailor.


Tube granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or berme April 13.

Burnett. Newcastle upon-Tyne, merchant-Mead. Liverpool, iron-merchant- Brown. Mark Lane, corn-merchant-Hay man, Liverpool, merchant- Bradley, Selly Oak, Worcestershire, chemist - Stiekland and Mattock. Newgate Market, cheese- mongers-Page. Horseferry Road, engraver.


Lows°, WILLIAM, Glasgow, pianoforte-manufacturer, March 26. April 16. M'RECHNIE, Rom Halfunuing, Douglas. cattle-dealer. April 1, 22. Rearrersow. JOHN, Selkirk, merchant, March 30, April 26. SETON, ALEXANDER 1Flaoras, Glasgow, merchant, March 26, April 16. WALKER, A. and A. Cupar-Fife, bout anti shoe makers, March 27, April 17.


W. and E. George, Pershore, farmers-S. and J. Cornish, Birmingham, booksellers

-nagger and Carrington, Potton, Bedfordshire, auctioneers-Norbury and Co. White- chapel Road, coppersmiths-Adamson and Co. Newcastle-upon Tyne, attornies-at-law ; as tar as regards N. Walton-Scott and Heald. Horncastle, mercers-Kennaby and Griffiths, Lower Grosvenor Street, lodginghouse-keepers -Houlden aud Davison, Al- trincham. Cheshire, linendrapers-Bay es and Burgess, Great Yarmouth, stone-masons -Dalton and Brodribb, Bernard Street, Russell Square, surgeons-Tregear and Page, Charlotte Street, Waterloo Road, carpenters -Rossiter and Clifton, Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Road, oilmen-Kiugstone and Lea. Birmingham. builders-Coward and Co. Prince's Street, Lambeth, starch-manufacturers; as far as regards M. Whiting senior-Holland and Co. James Street. Covent Garden, potato-salesmen ; as far as re- gards E. C. and W. Holland-Cockerili, and Humphreys, Oswestry, surgeons-Palliser and Co. Finsbury Place, patent metallic cask-manufacturers-G. and J. Garrard. Bristol, wine-merchants-J. and N. Ford, 1%y Bridge, Ply mouth, butchers-Roberts and Randall. Eastcheap, wholesale grocers-Evans and Bullocke. Swansea. dentists- Drake and Suns. Bedminster, tanners; as far as regards J. Drake-West and Co. Glasgow, booksellers.


Sorsa, JAMES, Mark Lane, broker, March 26.


CLARKE, HENRY, Portsea, ironmonger, from April 2 to 16.


LEES. RALPH, Burslem, Staffordshire, grocer.

Poutroar. JOSEPH senior, Leominster, Herefordshire, bricklayer.


Beams, ROGER, Boston, shipbuilder, to surrender April 15, May 7: solicitors, Messrs. Bartrym and Co. Bishopsgate Sireet Within. Ettior. Curtatorrs, Oudley, Worcestershire, draper, April 13, May 7: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple. HAMLET, THOMAS. Prince's Street, Leicester Square, goldsmith, April 7, May 7: so- licitor. Mr. Wicken, Piccadilly ; official assignee, Mr. Lackington, Coleman Street Buildings. HARDING, JAMES, Farnham, builder, April 6, May 7: solicitor, Mr. Bums. Essex Street. Strand, and Elvetham. Hampshire; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Ba.siughall Street.

HARVEY, GEORGE SAINT, Melcombe Regis, ironmonger, April 12, March 7: solicitor, Mr. Pearson, Essex Street, Strand.

HORSFALL. Ram Psaasow, Dewsbury, innkeeper, Apri12, May 7: solicitors, Messrs. Jaques and Co. Ely Place. LODER, JOHN Davin, Bath. music-seller, April 5, May 7: solicitors, Messrs. Wood and Co. Dean Street, Soho.; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street. JOHNSTONE, JOHN, Bishop s SPortford. scrivener, April 6, May : solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; official ass.ignee, Mr. Carman. Finsbury Square.

POUNTNEY, JAMES, Birmingham, Innkeeper, April 5, May 7: solicitor, Mr. Church, Bedford Row.

Roasters, JAMES, Berwick Street, Soho, victualler, April 6, May 7: solicitor, Mr. Harper, Kennington Cross; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. Ross, ROBERT, Brett's Buildings, Finsbury, victualler, April 6, May 7: solicitor, Mr. Holt, Lamb's Conduit Street; official assignee, Mr. Clark, Broad Street Court.

ROWBOTTOM, ESAU, Manchester, flour dealer, April 14, May 7: solicitors, Messrs. Bower and Back, Chancery Lane.

SIZES, GEORGE FRANCIS. Worcester, liuendraper. April 6, May7 : solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street; official assiguee, Mr. Canaan, Finsbury Square. SPENCER, JAMES MICHAEL, Tavistock Street. Covent Garden, draper. April 6, May 7: solicitor, Mr. Platts, Southampton Buildiugs; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Bir- chin Lane.

WARE, JOHN, Tiverton, Devonshire, tanner, April 13, May 7: solicitor, Mr. Wilton, Gray's Inn.

WEBBER, ROBERT. and BLAND. Tit 3IAS. Bedford Row, attornies, April 2, May 7: so- licitors, Messrs. Robinson, Queen Street Place, Upper Thames Street ; official assignee, Mr. Lackiugton, Coleman Street Buildings.

WELLS, THOMAS WRIGHT, Devonshire Street. Portland Place. merchant, April 6, May 7 : solicitors, Messrs. Stevens and Co. Queen Street, Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Birchiu Lane.

HADDAM, CHARLES WHITBY, Hammersmith, cheesemonger, April 6, May7: solicitors. Thomson and Co. St. Swithin's lane; official assignee, Mr. Gibson. Basinghall Street.

WILSON, John, and CRICHTON, WILLIAM, Manchester, calico-printers, April 10, May 7: solicitors. Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple.


Apri120, M•Pherson, Hatton Wall, oilman-April 16. J. and E. C. Wilson, Skinner Street. printers-April 16. Pattison, Fiuslmry Circus, commission-agent-April 16, Leete, Chipping Ongar, victualler-April 16. Saunders, Watford, butcher-April 19. Stanger, Maidstone, ironmonger-April 19, Bates. East Peckham. miller-April 19, Knowles, Trump Street, warehnusemau-April 17, Thurston, Grosvenor Row, corn- merchant-April 17. Sprinbett and Wraxall, Phcenix Wharf. Whitefriars. coal.mer- chants-April 2. Leefe and Yates, Fore Street, wholesale-haberdaAters-April 17. Brook, Hudersfield, cloth.dresser-iune 19. Erredge, Brighton, bookseller-April 17, Miller, Liverpool, share-broker-April 16, Hobson, Carlisle, mercer-April 19, Bell, Lincoln, maltster-April 26, Tyrer, Birmingham, button-manufacturer.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 13.

Harrison, Gateshead. paper-manufacturer - Womack. Leeds. cloth-merchant- Whalley, Leeds, wool-merchant-Robinson, Kirton-in-Lindsay. Lincolnshire, scrivener -Ford and Hilton, Holywell, Flintshire , cotton-spinners-Perkins, Upper Street, Islington, upholsterer-Mason and Scott, Leeds, booksellers-Baines, Liverpool, trehele-merchaut. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.

ANDERSON, DAVID. Airdrie, fleshier. March 31. April 21. Coars, THOMAS, Edinburgh, linendraper. April 1,22. FLEMING. WiLLTAIK, and Worusasroorr, Torpicheu, Linlithgowshire, coal-merchants, March 31. April 81. l'11OFFAT, ALEXANDER, Dalkeith, fiesher, April 2, 23. RICHARDSON, JOHN RUSKIN, Glasgow, wine.merchant, March 3o, April 20.