At the Kingston Assizes, on the trial of John Keene
and Jane his wife for the murder of their child, two years old, by throwing it down a well near Guildford, the two prisoners mutually accused each other of the crime ; and their counsel carried out the defence in that way, as happened in the ease of the Manning,. The Jury promptly found the husband guilty and the wife innocent. The convict walked away unconcerned ; the acquitted wife swooned.
At Brecon Assizes, the trial of Thomas Phillips the fanner, and Margaret *organ his servant, for the murder of the child of the latter by throwing it to be eaten by a sow, excited great interest ; but it ended in a verdict of ac- quittal, which the Jury gave without hearing any evidence for the defence. The man who gave the chief evidence gave also full details of the ex- pbditions he has through the air with ghosts: his story and that of the other youth who supported him were discrepant; and there were collateral facts throwing additional doubts on their testimony.
Anthony Turner, the murderer of Mrs. Barnes, of Belper, underwent capi- tal punishment at Derby, yesterday, before an assemblage of twenty thou- spa persons.