27 MARCH 1852, page 9

It Is Very Generally Reported That The Dissolution Of...

will take place on or about the 27th of May.—Globe, March 27. It is very generally reported that the dissolution of Parliament will take place on or about the 27th of......

At The Kingston Assizes, On The Trial Of John Keene

and Jane his wife for the murder of their child, two years old, by throwing it down a well near Guildford, the two prisoners mutually accused each other of the crime ; and their......


In the Parliament last night, the subjects which occupied most time were the explanation in the House of Commons of the Charitable Trusts Bill by the Arroaarair-Gatczasr, and an......

House Of Commons Motions.

Tax Munn. Mr. Secretary Walpole — That, in pursuance of the order of the 20th day of February last, " That leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend and con- solidate the Laws......

The Paris Honiteur Of Yesterday Contained A Decree Of...

It recites, that "since the fall of the Empire abuses and exaggerations of all kinds had perverted the principle of administrative centralization" ; and that, " though it is......

It Is Understood That The Great Western Railway Company Is

making arrangements with parties in South Wales to bring large quantities of Welsh coal to London at a halfpenny per ton per mile. By a return just issued by order of the House......


The King of Hanover is expected to arrive in this country at the latter end of May. We understand that the Government have decided on sending addition- al troops to the Island......