27 MARCH 1852, Page 9


Tax Munn. Mr. Secretary Walpole—That, in pursuance of the order of the 20th day of February last, " That leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend and con- solidate the Laws respecting the Militia," Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Secretary Walpole, and Mr. Secretary at War, do prepare and bring in the Bill. (Monday, March 29.) Sir De Lacy Evans—On the Militia Bill, if the motion for introducing it be acceded to, to propose a resolution with reference to its provisions, " That, though an imme- diate amendment and consolidation of the existing Militia Laws be indispensable, in order to give the Government the power of promptly resorting to the levy of a force of that description in case of necessity, any sudden or unforeseen hostile attempt against her Majesty's dominions will be most economically and efficiently provided for, and with least interruption to the industrial pursuits of the people, by regular troops and volunteers." GOVERNMENT or liana. Mr. Fferries—Select Committee to inquire into the opera- tion of the Act 3 and 4 Will. IV. c. 85, "for the better Government of her Majesty's Indian Territories "; and to report their observations thereon. (Monday, March 29.)

Mr. Ansley—On the motion of the President of the Board of Control, for a Select Committee on the Acts for the Government of India, to move, by way of amendment, that the following words be added thereto : " And that an humble address be pre- sented to her Majesty, representing the lateness of the session, the near approach of the period when the powers and authorities under which the government of her Majesty's Indian dominions is now carried on will naturally determine, and the ur- gent importance of obtaining a thorough insight into the condition of those domin- ions, and of the feelings and wishes of the Queen's subjects, Natives and Europeans, resident within the same, before Parliament is called upon to pass any measure for continuing the said powers and authorities; and praying her hf ajesty for that pur- pose to take the necessary measures for sending Commissioners of Inquiry into Bri- tish India, duly instructed and empowered to commence and prosecute all requisite inquiries in the premises, and to report the evidence, together with their observa- tions thereupon, to her Majesty in Parliament."

%max Navy. Mr. Anderson—To move the following resolution: "That it is the opinion of this House, that in order the better to provide for the public safety, to economise the public resources, and to preserve peace, it is desirable that measures should be adopted with a view to render the Commercial Steam Navy promptly avail- able for the national defence in case of emergency." (Tuesday, March 30.) CoONTY Pas:mama. Mr. Locke King—Bill to make the Franchise and Procedure at Elections in the Counties in England, and Wales the same as in the Boroughs, by giving the right of voting to all occupiers of tenements of the annual value of ten pounds ; by limiting the time of taking the poll to one day ; and by limiting the time of proceeding to election to eight days. (Tuesday, Mareh, 30.) Cnoacit-aarics. Mr. Trelawny—" That, in the opinion of this House, the evils arising from the existing state of the law of Church-rates are of a nature requiring the early application of a remedy- by an act of the Legislature. That, in lieu of Church-rates, a measure be introduced providing for the repair of churches by means of a charge on ecclesiastical property, and enabling congregations to defray the ex- penses of Divine service by an effective system of self-taxation, which shall give to regular officers to be constituted, the power, now exercised by churchwardens, of excusing poor persons, and shall likewise leave a portion of every church free to casual applicants for seats." (Thursday, April 1.)