27 MARCH 1852, Page 10


STOCK Exceasos, FRIDAY ARTRRKOOK. The English Funds have been again on the ascendant during the present 'week, and in the absence of any counteracting event have been fivourably influenced by the public investments which were also the prevailing feature last week. The buoyancy in the French Stocks and Continental Bourses, at- tributed to the proposed conversion of the Five per Cent Rentes, has in some degree added to the support of our own securities, assisted also by the im- preasion (which proved illusory) that the Bank of England would make a farther reduction in the rate of discount at their meeting on Thursday. The advance commenced op Monday, when Consols improved t per cent. On Tuesday there was increased firmness, and the price was abouthigher. On the two succeeding days the closing price was the same. Today Consols opened k higher, but returned to yesterday's quotation. Exchequer Bills have improved 2s. this week. The dividend of 4 per cent for the half-year upon Bank Stock (referred to in our last report) was confirmed by ballot at the adjourned meeting of the proprietors held on Tuesday last. The Foreign Stock Market has been again well supported, and a consider- able amount of business has been transacted at an advance upon last week's quotations. An improvement at the following rate per cent has taken place : Brazilian, 2; Belgian, I; Mexican, I; Portuguese, Russian, Spanish Threes, and Sardinian, k ; Spanish Active, j, and Deferred, t. In Buenos Ayres Stook there has been a rally to some extent, which commenced on Monday, when an improvement of 3 per cent occurred. A farther advance of 2 per cent took place on Wednesday, when the stock was done at 76. On Thurs- day there was a decline of 1 per cent, realizers being on the Market. Today they are also 1 per cent lower, for the same cause. Dutch Two-and-a-half and the Four per Cents are k lower this week. Up to this afternoon the news which has arrived has been uninteresting and void of all excitement. In the Share Market, there was a very brisk business at the beginning of the week, and the quotations generally are still better than they reached on Saturday last. The highest prices were realized on Tuesday. On Wednes- day sales were effected to secure profits, and a decline of 1138. to 1/. occurred in moat of the leading lines. Yesterday and today the variations have not been material, but the markets have been dull, in consequence of the near approach of settling-day. The value in some of the favourite Shares may be considered to have increased to the following extent compared with last week Bristol and Exeter, 11. ; Great Western and Midland, 15*.; London, Brighton, and South Coast, and London and South-western, 11. 10s. ; Lon- don and North-western, 21. 16e. ; South-eastern, and York and North Mid- land, 10e. In Foreign Shares there has not been so much doing : Boulogne and Amiens have improved 7e. 6d, ; Namur and Liege, and Northern of France, 6e.; Paris and Strasbourg, and Rouen and Havre, 104 ; -Central of France, IL lower.

The English Stock Market is very quiet this morning, without alteration in price ; Consols are 981 t both for Money and Account. In Foreign Stocks Also there is no movement. In the Share Market, Caledonian have been done at 191; Leeds Northern, 161; Shropshire Union, 3/.

SATURDAY Two o'Ciecx.

In the English Market, Console have continued throughout the day at 981 t, both for Money and the Account, and Exchequer Bills at 68 70. In Foreign Stocks the only alteration is in Brazilian, and Spanish Three per Cents and Deferred, which are better. In the Share Market, there has been rather a large bushiess in Railway lines, at improved prices—Aberdeen, 131 ; Caledonian, 191; Eastern Counties,

9a ; Eastern Union, Class A late E. U. E. 6k; East Lancashire 171; Great Northern, 19k ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 37t ;, Great Western, 89/ ; Lancaster and Carlisle, 781; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 72 ;

24 London, Brighton, and South Coast, 99; London and North-western 1 ; London and South-western, 88k; Midland, 64} ; Scottish Central, 16 - South-eastern, 211 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 181; York and North Midland, 241 ; Boulogne and Amiens, 131; Northern of France' 22; Paris and Orleans, 47k; Paris and Rouen, 28k; Paris and Strasbourg, 221; Tours and Nantes, 11.


3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

54 per Cents

981 98 shut shut Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents

Mexican 5 per Cents 1846

Peruvian 6 per Cents

601 1 39421 104 6

Long Annuities shut Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 35 6 Bank Stock shut Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 98 100 Exchequer Bids 68 70 Russian 5 per Cents 112 14 India Stock Mint Ditto 41 per Cents 103 4 Brazilian 6 per Cents

101 3

Spanish Active S per Cents.. -

Belgian 41 per Cents 92 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 44 5

Chilian G per Cents

105 7 Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents 1851 20 1 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Sardinian Bonds 93 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 75 80