All manner of statements are current as to some action
taken by Germany to induee other Powers to threaten that unless at the next vacancy a moderate Pope is elected) they will refuse- him recognition. It was at first affirmed that Prince Bismarck had applied, to the Italian Government to repeal the Guarantee Law, but this is categorically denied, and would, indeed, be useless, while Europe still sent Ambassadors to the Vatican and received Nuncios from it. Scene idea, however, of the possibility of reducing the Pope to a subject is evidently passing through. the German mind, as his present position places him in a position of singular independence: He- is not answerable -to any municipal law, and has no territories to lose. We have ex- amined this policy elsewhere, but must mention here that the
of the Emperor of Austria to the King of Italy is supposed on the Continent to refer to the action to be taken in the event of a Papal election. Meanwhile the Pope appears to show no- sign of failing health.