[to The Editor Of The ..spectitor.1
who have sympathy with sufferers will be grateful-to* to you for your article in Saturday's Spectator on "The Mora Consequence of Vivisection" If the "Society for the prevention......
Home-rulers And Home-rulers.
• [TO THE EDITOR 01 , Till " SPECTATOR:1 8i. -Pray allow me a Word - or.two on that letter from Mr. J. G. MacCarthy under the above heading which appeared in your issue of last......
OLD AND NEW. * Bee Plinym "Nat. mat," lib. 8; an4 speaator, Feb. 6, 1875. ONLY a slave in Rome of old, A slave for whom none cares ! Slaughtered in dungeon-deeps, and rolled......
;too Bila S 80filiemann's ' • - 11.17 Ut/am:0 Fait911.
10F .`13PaCeA.704.1 • "•-• §laer-114 YMIX.,UOtiCit ISclrliemaen's Troye e in the Speetattir of Saturday Jask iitsiipremarked. that. " - the tapithet 1 '2teeics . froc * ja......