It is stated that one result of the last Session
of Congress has been to raise Mr. J. G. Blaine, a Pennsylvanian, who, however, resides in Maine, to theafirst position as the next Republican candidate for the Presidency. Mr. Blaine has been Speaker of the House of Representatives for the Session, and his impartiality, firmness, and vigour of mind have greatly struck the leaders of the party, who see that the traditionary dislike of the third term will be too strong for General Grant. The Democrats have not I decided on their candidate yet, but it is not impossible that Mr..
lAndrew Johnson, the ex-President, and now Senator from 'Tennessee, may ultimately be adopted. He is a "War Demo- ' crat" in opinion, is h Western man, made many friends at the- White House, and has the-same kind of -attraction for the masses. as General Jackson had. If he am maintain his present attitude for eighteen months, which is doubtfiil, he may prove the favourite of the party.