Mr. Lloyd George's Jeiposition of the principles that Should govern
the Turkish settlement was admirable. We can only hope that he will adhere to them, despite Mr: 'Montagu and the India Office. The Moslem agitators in India are using very violent and seditious-language, and are being assisted by Some of -the Hindu extremists. But the whole agitation is 'factitious. The Itioelem world is in no sense imited. Hundreds of thousands of -Moslem- troops fought valiantly against the Sultan's armies. The King of the Hedjaz, who guards the chief Moslem Shrine at Mecca, revolted against the Turk and -became tour Ally. The great Shiah . sect does not recognize the Caliph. The Moslem agitators are trading- on the ignorance of Europe and on the denser ignorance of their Indian co-religionists. If Mr. Lloyd George -will only Maintain the' policy which heeenunciated list Week, the Tureophile eonspiracy will:fade into thin air.