A Clear Case Of Waste.
[To THE EDITOR OF TELE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the recent case of Beard before the House of Lords six counsel, including both Law Officers and one unbeneficed K.C., appeared for......
A C3 Nation ?
[TO Tar EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") trying to account for the commonness of poor physique you write: "It is not modern civilization that we are up against, it is ancient......
State ,purchase Of The Liquor Trade. [to The Editor Of
THE "SPECTATOR."] Pitton-Turbervill regards as unfair my comparison of "drunk "convictions in Carlisle (where the decrease between 1914 and 1918 was 71 per cent.) with the......
The Tyranny Of Officials.
[To THE EDITOR OF TICE "SPECTATOR"] SIR, — It is time for Englishmen and Englishwomen to p.rotest against a tyranny, all the more dangerous because it is insidious, and that is......
The Bible In Church: Tradition And Revision. Lilo The Editor
OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR —As I have used the Revised Version of the Bible in church for the past eighteen years, I should like to be allowed to make some reply to your article......
The Limits Of Press Power. [to The Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR."] ,SIR, —Your article upon "The Limits of Press Power" in your issue of March 6th deals with a question which greatly interested Mr. Gladstone, who used to balance......
The Late Duke Of Norfolk.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] propose to publish a Memoir of the late Duke of Norfolk,. and would be very grateful if any person having any letters of interest, or any......