We have to record with much regret the death of
Dr. Diggle, the Bishop of Carlisle, who was a giant among the leaders of the Broad Church Party. During his twenty years of labour as a clergyman in Liverpool, during his reotorship of Birmingham, and finally as Bishop of Carlisle, he worked with extraordinary power and consistency for the doctrines in which he believed. He was an anti-ritualist, but he was above all an unwavering supporter of a comprehensive conception of the Church of England. He could not tolerate any theory of the Church which made it impotent to embrace the whole nation. The same habit of thought was plain in all his work for education. He believed that the so-called religious difficulty in the elementary schools was largely a fiction. He had no difficulty whatever in accepting a code of religious education on a non-sectarian basis. The Spectator has special reason to mourn his loss as he frequently wrote letters to our columns.