27 MARCH 1926, Page 16


Sm,—Lovers of Dickens will find in Nichola3 Nickleby (chapter XX.) a reference to the Magdalen Hospital. Poor Mrs. Nickleby in her troubles mentions it, in What Dickens calls " an extraordinary jumble of Charitable Institutions." The " Hospital " is a two-year Rescue Training Home, and Was founded in the City of- Laudon by- City- Merchants in 1758. After seventy years at Streatham a large capital sum has had to be borrcwed for absolutely necessary reconstruction. In its history of 170 years 15,000 girls have been given a free home and a chande in life. This is a national mission work

which has never ceased for a day in all that time. Of the £10,000 we need, £3,000 has been raised, and this includes a splendid gift of £2,000 from the " Peter Coats Trust." Will any of your readers be kind enough to help us in our first great appeal for seventy years ? The work is dear to the heart of the Archbishop of Canterlfury, our President, and for twenty-one years Her late. Majesty Queen Alexandra was our Patroness and regular subscriber. Cheques or notes should be sent to The Warden, The Magdalen Hospital, Streatham, S.W. 16.—I am, Sir, &c.,