When .he Said That It Would Have Been Impossible To
state: an ,explicit policy in advance, since that would have been to usurp the function of the League (which was to reach decisions through discussion), and that in. any case.......
However, There Is No Need Whatever To Take A Gloomy
view. We have all had a " shake-up " and a warning, but, as Lord Hugh Cecil said in the debate, the eagerness of nations to get on to the Council of the League is the best proof......
Mr. Houghton. The American Ambassador In London, Who Is...
America, has let it be known very plainly (by a calculated indiscretion or otherwise) what he thinks of European affairs. He said that the Continent of Europe, so far as its......
News Of The Week
T HE 'deplorable accident at Geneva is now a thing of The past, and all men and nations who really believe in the League must turn their attention to saving it from a similar......
Sir Austen Explained That He Made No Promise In Paris,
much less at Locarno, to support the Polish claim to a permanent seat in the Council. He never had an idea of doing more than favouring a temporary seat for Poland if such a......
That Might Mean Anything. The Reservation Was Evidently...
purpose. Until the members of the League assembled at Geneva nobody, except Germany, knew what Brazil had done. On that rock the scheme for the immediate admission of Germany......
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London, W.C. 2.—A Subscription to the "Spectator" costs Thirty Skillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. Registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......