The result of the London .Conference on Hours of Labour
betiveen Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Belgium is that one may hope for a ratification of the Washington Eight Hour Day Convention. The original acceptance- of the Convention in principle meant very little as there are- many possibilitieS of interpreting.. the text differently. and of dodging the sense of it by means of overtime. It was essential for a Conference to be called and to arrive at a eerrimon understanding of i'vhat was really meant.. The delegates. are to be congratulated on having reached the necessary agreement. Great Britain has made a small reservation, but that is only for the purpose of making quite sure that the agreement is really an agreement. The Convention, if it is put into effect:and there is no trickery, ought to benefifeekyhody. Employers here have been afraid that such a Convention would not be honoured abroad ; but if we may assume honour the employers ought to be pleased at the prospect `of the competition in hotirS" of labour—I-an ugly form of competition--being ended.