SIR,—Much has been said, in Parliament and elsewhere, during the last few days, about an unfortunate cartoon published in an illus- trated daily paper ; but it is innocuous compared with a letter appear- ing in The Spectator of March loth, written by a Scotch cleric. I am astonished to find it printed there. Nothing more mischievous or misleading could be imagined, and it may do infinite harm. The letter refers to the sinking of the Struma,' and lays the blame for the sad loss of life so occasioned on the British Government, which had refused to allow the would-be immigrants into Palestine to. land in that country illegally. These persons must have known before they embarked on their voyage that what they were attempting was against the law.
As well might I be told that if a cat-burglar, endeavouring to climb into my house by way of an upper window, falls and breaks his leg, I am responsible for this accident because I did not open my door to facilitate his illegal entry into my premises.—I am, Sir, your
obedient servant, jESSIE S. BOYD. The Falcon Hotel, Settle, Yorkshire.