27 MARCH 1942, page 18
How To Do It
A Book of Farmcraft. By Michael Greenhill and Evelyn Dunbar With a Foreword by A. G. Street. (Longmans. 5s.) I Made It Myself. By Arthur B. North. (Botsford. 6s.) BOTH these......
Fruits Of Appeasement
The Royal Air Force in the World War. Vol. I. By Captain Norman Macmillan. (Harrap. los. 6d.) THIS, the first volume of a series, covers the history of the R.A.F. from 1919 to......
Prussian Mentality
Treitschke's Origins of Prussianistit. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.) THE German historian Treitschke is perfect example of what are called "......