Spanish lessons
From Fiona Pitt-Kethley Sir: I disagree with the central point of Dan Hannan's article 'Peace without honour' (20 March). I have lived in Spain for nearly two years. The Spanish people never wanted to be involved in the Iraq war in the first place and also resented the fact that they had been lied to. I see Zapatero as a man of courage and a refreshing change from Aznar. Within a day or so of coming into office he called both Bush and Blair liars. He's definitely not a brown nose. Spain is handling terrorism with dignity and justice. Many people wear a black ribbon. There are three-minute silences in supermarkets. Arrests of the bombing suspects have been made and criminal charges will be brought. That is the right way to proceed, rather than going to war and victimising a whole country. America and Britain should learn from the Spanish in this respect. When election time comes, vote the liars out.
Fiona Pitt-Kethley
Alicante, Spain