Spanish Lessons
From Fiona Pitt-Kethley Sir: I disagree with the central point of Dan Hannan's article 'Peace without honour' (20 March). I have lived in Spain for nearly two years. The Spanish......
Fewer Is Better
From Daniel Stoffinan Sir: Mark Steyr' might want to check his facts a bit more carefully before offering a demographic analysis of the state of the world (One nation under......
Wrong Numbers
From Sir Andrew Green Sir: In a radio discussion this week you expressed great surprise at the hostility of your readers to the account of an interview with me on immigration......
Critical Chutzpah
From Sheridan Morley , Sir: Could we turn our attention to the scandalous affair of your drama critic? The year or so since you fired me has been, I freely acknowledge, one of......
Bombed Out
From Noble Frankland Sir: Hugh Lunghi hesitates to go on 'flogging the Dresden bombing issue' but does so for the sake of the 'record' (Letters, 20 March). The record, however,......