27 MAY 1848, Page 2

It has been reported in London that the mediation of

England in the affair of Schleswig had been successful ; but we receive no corroboration of that statement from the seat of war. On the contrary, the newest report is, that the Emperor of Russia has formally notified his readiness to comply with a demand for aid from Denmark. Sweden also is said to be prepared for action on the same side. It is an ugly affair. One difficulty inherent in such questions is the fact that they turn on obsolescent claims urged as the personal " rights " of royalty, and not upon the interests and wishes of the people whose territory is in issue. The question ought to be settled on that basis; and if England is to strengthen her moral influence throughout Europe, she should take her stand more explicitly than ever on that ground. The complexities of the law and the cross questions of useless genealo- gies are interminable • but the interests and wishes of the Schles- wigers are living evidence.