27 MAY 1848, page 11

The English Theatres Are Going On Mournfully Enough. Mr. And

Mats' , Kean were to have appeared on Monday at the Haymarket; bate - tleman had a sudden attack of indisposition, and the appearance idis post- poned till Monday next. The......

The Indian Land-revenue Question.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. SIR—I beg to return my thanks for your courtesy in so promptly inserting my letter upon the Indian Land-revenue: it was written in Germany,......

Theatres And Music.

The clibfit of Madame Tadolini at Her Majesty's Theatre, on Saturday last, proved to be one of the most satisfactory that has occurred in our expe- rience. For many years (we do......

Panorama Of Paris.

The upper circle of Mr. Burford's rooms is now devoted to a view of Paris, which conveys a lively idea of the existing state of the city. The spectator stands in the Place de la......

Donizetti's Best Opera, La Favorita, Was Produced At...

on Tuesday, with a new cast. The heroine interesting even in her frailty, was personated by Grisi. We may observe by the way, that we see no ground for the charge of immorality......