Dr. Norman M'Leod, editor of Good Words, and Dr. Robert
Lee, in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on Tuesday and Wednesday last, made a capital onslaught on the ineffable folly of the party which objects to allowing liberty in minor matters to the individual societies of worshippers, and keeps all things under the control of the Church Assembly. The dispute arose on the unpermitted use of organs, which the bigots appear to think an organic change in Church discipline. Dr. Norman M'Leod remarked on the absurd practice of quoting the authority of the Fathers as conclusive on questions of any kind, observing that he should scarcely dare say anything if he thought his opinion was to be quoted in the year 2,000 as that of a " father of the Church." The true motto for the Church was, he said, "In things essential, unity ; in things indifferent, liberty ; in all things, charity." The bigots, however, anxious to justify Mr. Buckle's censure on Scot- land, carried the day. 173 voted for strict discipline, and 140 in favour of liberty. 173 members of the Episcopal Church in Scot- land wish to tyrannize in musical or other trivial matters over the souls of every member of the Episcopal Church. There appeared to be some confused idea that liberty in music meant—Essays and Reviews !