The Due De Persigny Has Published A Pamphlet On The
Roman question as the result of his visit to Rome, which looks not un- like an attempt to break to Italy the intelligence that if the Pope does quit Rome, France will not rd the......
Why Do Not Mr. Whalley's Friends Look After Him? Not
only is he degrading the demeanour of the House of Commons to that of an ordinary music-hall by the passionate desire which he seems to inspire in the members to hear him "......
The Working Men's Club And Institute Union Are Giving A
series of social meetings at Exeter Hall, to enable the working classes to discuss with the thinking mien in other classes the various problems bearing on the organization of......
On Thursday Night The Second Reading Of The Irish Record
of Titles Bill was carried without a division, but not without a foolish and alarmist speech from Mr. Whiteside against it. As it is only a permissive Bill, and will certainly......
Dr. Temple Has Had A Very Interesting Correspondence With...
alitor of The Daily News on the subject of the representation of classes. Both parties are evidently in earnest in trying to catch the point of view of the other, but highly as......
Dr. Norman M'leod, Editor Of Good Words, And Dr. Robert
Lee, in the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, on Tuesday and Wednesday last, made a capital onslaught on the ineffable folly of the party which objects to allowing......
At The Dinner Of The Newspaper Press Fund This Day
week Mr. Dickens, who was in the chair, announced that in advocating the claims of this fund on the public he held a brief for his brothers, on the ground that he had once been......
The Union Chargeability Bill Was Read A Third Time In
the House of Commons on Tuesday, no division being taken, iii deference to the manifest wish of the House. Mr. Henley re- peated his old objections, and Mr. Bentinck and Mr.......
It Appears That The Report Which Attributed To Mr. R.
Long, the candidate for North Wilts, the preposterous assertion that he had as much plate on his sideboard as the rival candidate, Sir G. Jenkinson, was erroneous. He himself......
The Rumour Of Sir Charles Wood's Elevation To The Peerage
is again gaining ground, as it was quite sure to do before a general election. The ever new buoyancy which seems to press Sir Charles Wood upwards to " another place " is, we......