Lord Granville made an entertaining speech at the Victoria Hospital
for children this day week, on occasion of the open- ing, by the Princess Louise, of the new building at Chelsea, at the end of Cheyne Walk. Lord Granville quoted Mr. Ltittrell's answer to some one who asked him whether he was fond of children,—" Why, you might as well ask me whether I like grown-up people," and remarked that it pretty clearly indi- cated that Mr. Luttrell was not very fond of children. And no doubt, as a rule, the man who is fond of children is also the man of whom children are fond,—" the child within the man" being the secret of both attractions. But we doubt much whether it be equally true of most women who are fond of children, that they are so because they have a good deal of the child left in them. They are often fond of protecting and loving a child, quite apart from any sympathy with it,—in fact, they like being guardian angels. If guardian angels there be, we are persuaded that a great majority of them are women.