The Rumours Of An Insurrection In Bulgaria May Be Taken
to be confirmed. Its extent is not yet clear, but it is certain that the inhabitants of the mountainous country have been provided with arms, that they threaten the plain, and......
Lord Sandon's Education Bill Has Been Printed And...
we have written elsewhere on the very serious deficiency which we find in it. There is, however, another great defect besides its inefficient equivalent for a directly......
News Of The Week.
L ORD DERBY has definitively declined to adhere to the propo- sals formulated by the three Chancellors at Berlin, and his refusal has created some excitement at Vienna, the......
Lord Carnarvon Moved The Second Reading Of The Government...
Bill on Monday night, in an eloquent speech, in which he pointed out the abuse of the practice abroad, the increasing tendency of our physiological students to study abroad, the......
M. De Marcere Is Showing Great Parliamentary Ability In The
French Senate, in his new character of Minister of the Interior. Nothing could be better than his reply to M. de Franclieu's interpellation last week, as to the meaning put by......
The Wisdom Or Unwisdom Of Lord Derby's Policy Depends Almost
entirely upon the instructions he has issued to the British representative at Constantinople. If he has distinctly ordered Sir Henry Elliot to inform the Sultan that he has......