Pathways of Palestine. By H. B. Tristram, F.R.S. (Sampson Low
and Co.)—Canon Tristram has associated his name so honour- ably with the exploration of Palestine, that any contribution of his to our knowledge of that country is certain to be welcome. The greater part of the volume before us (the first instalment of a proposed series) is occupied with Jerusalem and its outskirts. Landing at Jaffa, he passes by the Philistine cities (not, as our readers will re- member, the route usually taken) to Hebron. Gaza, the next largest town after Jerusalem, is the stage next before Hebron. This town, with the Haran, the great building that covers the cave of Machpelab, is represented in an admirable photograph. All the photographs, indeed—there are twenty-two of them—are good. Bethlehem is next described, and then we have a view, which is as perfect as photo- graphy could make it, of " Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives." Of the sixteen chapters, with their illustrations, which concern Jeru- salem and its environs, we may notice "The Mosque of Omar," "The Wall of Wailing," and "A View on the Brook Kedron—Olive Trees." From Jerusalem the traveller makes his way to Jericho, where we have a view of " Elisha's Fountain ;" thence again to Mount Nebo, to Machaerus, the prison of the Baptist, and to Medeba, the chief of the ruined cities of Moab. Canon Tristram's descriptions are as good as we expect from his pen. Altogether, this is a volume of the greatest merit.