The Second Reading Was Carried By 383 Votes Against 45,
and amongst the 45 the party of Mr. Parnell numbered only about twenty. A considerable number of the moderate Irish party, however, including Members like Mr. C. Russell, Mr.......
News Of The Week.
T HE situation in Egypt was on Friday more strained than ever. On the arrival of the English and French squad- rons off Alexandria, Arabi Pasha and the French Consul. General......
The Consuls-general Of France And England, Finding That...
unmoved by the arrival of the ironclads, on Thursday afternoon delivered to the Khedive an ultimatum from the two Powers. They repudiate any idea either of vengeance or re-......
The Adjourned Debate On The Prevention Of Crime (ireland)...
was resumed yesterday week by Mr. Sexton, in a philip- pic against the details of the Bill, and indeed against the Government of Ireland generally, from which it would appear......
It Is Not Very Easy To Ascertain The Precise Position
of the Powers with regard to armed intervention in Egypt, but it ap- pears to be this,—England and France have agreed, though with many qualms, to employ Turkish troops, on the......
Notice To Advertisers.
It is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with. the SPECTATOR Special Literary Supplements, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. The Third of......
Mr. Parnell On The Same Night Made A Speech Of
very remark- able moderation, though denouncing the chief provisions of the Bill in very strong terms. He believed, he said, in the good intentions of the Government, and in......