What may prove to be the most important foreign news
of the week is the report of the Emperor Francis Joseph's health given in the clerical Reichspost of Vienna on Wednesday. According to this organ, which is in close touch with the Court and the entourage of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Emperor's stay at Godollii has not produced the desired improvement in the bronchial catarrh from which he is suffer- ing. " The contrary is the case. The present condition of the Emperor is not serious, but his age and the slight attack of inflammation of the lungs which be had last year render strict precautions necessary." A correspondent of the Times in Vienna states that official and semi-official telegrams from Godollo give a more reassuring account of the Emperor's health, while hinting that he trusts too much to his excellent constitution, and that it is difficult to persuade him to take any precautions.