27 MAY 1911, page 23

Italy, The Magic Land.*

QUITE half of this not unattractive volume is concerned with the genius of Rome, especially as interpreted by American sculptors and other artists. Among these, the author's......

British Vorestryi' This Is A Thoroughly Practical Book....

book on Estate Forestry has Made his name familiar to landowners .*,Imperial Telegraphic Communication. HY Charles Bright. London ; P.,& 'King and CO. tae. 6d. net.]. ;a 1 'ACE'......

An All-british Cable.*

THE Imperial Conference will have to consider seriously the installation of an all-British cable. Few people have any idea of the extent to which Imperial communications are......

Woman And Labour.*

Miss OLIVE SCHREINER has written a book—only a frag- ment, she explains, of a greater book that has perished—on what may be called the most serious of all world-questions, and......