SIR,—I do not know who Janus is, but I wish
he would stop writing such rot as he did in his first paragraph in the Spectator's " Notebook" of May 20th. If only he would give some time to the study of St. Paul's teaching he would find the latter has some searching things to say about the conduct proper to women in church, particularly in 1 Corinthians, xiv, 34 and 35 and in xi, 5 and 13. Furthermore, Janus's reference to there being " neither male nor female in Christ " has nothing whatever to do with the question in dispute, as he would see if he would only refer again to the verse (Galatians iii, 28) from which the quotation is taken.
Finally, I would venture to suggest to Janus that the opinion (on the vexed question of the ministry of women) of Dr. Mortimer, recently Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology at Oxford, has more weight than even that of Dr. Fisher or Dr. Bell.—Yours faithfully,
15 Beaconsfield Road, TrMg, Herts. ALISTAIR LIPP.