Groundnuts Scheme
SIR,—I was interested in your article, Nuts and Men, in the Spectator of May 6th ; and, having recently returned from a visit to the groundnuts scheme, agreed with very many of......
Letters To The Editor
WOMEN AND THE MINISTRY SIR,—Although I am entirely in agreement with Janus in his support of the claims of qualified women to recognition as officials of the Church so far as......
Sir,—i Do Not Know Who Janus Is, But I Wish
he would stop writing such rot as he did in his first paragraph in the Spectator's " Notebook" of May 20th. If only he would give some time to the study of St. Paul's teaching......
Sm,—not Content With Trailing His Coat Before The...
now dangles it before the ecclesiastics, so, if "Life is beset with troubles," he has, I fear, made more for himself again ! He will not want a full- scale discussion on women's......
The Dome Of The Rock
Sul,—In his article Jerusalem's Fate, published in the Spectator of April 29th, Mr. Owen Tweedy made reference to the place in Moslem traditions and Arab civilisation of......