Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct sohnion of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, lune 7th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and Must beer the word "Crossv.‘ord," the NUMBER of the puzzle mad a 24d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the USA. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
I. The B.M.A. in conference ? (7, 7.) 9. You're had a busy day." (7.) 10. The bird that swallowed an anagram In short. (7.) 11. Balsam out of a darn. (4.) 12. I combine with nobody and a god- dess embraces both. (10.) 14. Self-announced haven. (6.) 16. Grin lady in school. (8.) 19. He might suitably be the patron saint of moles. (8.) 21. Male quantities. (6.) 25. One can't make them alone. (10.) 26. One gets canonized in France. (4.)
28. '“ Great in the -glorious m the field " (Pope). (7-') 29. One sleeping in the open ? (7.)
30. Red back to fortune with a vessel. (14.)
1. Almost a crazy denial. (7.) 2. Not the right spell for football. (7.) 3. A shady race: are Cockneys taken in by it (4.) 4. " - and evening star And one clear call for me ' (Tennyson). (6.) 5. By our sweat we might get a solu- tion. (8.) 6. But it's generally a boy who has to do lines. (10.)
7. What the hen-pecked horse has to put up with? (7.) S. Good in bread, bad in men. (6.)
13. Lord Hartletop's father-in-law was one. (10.)
15. It may express calf-love. (3.)
17. All the pre-fabs seem to be. (3.) 18. Colour of the dyed-in-the-wool politician ? (4, 4.) 19. Doee to leg, no doubt, by impres- sionable batsmen. (6.) 20. Hurt hog (ann.). (7.) 22. " Make thee eat iron like an - " (Shakespeare). (7.) 23. The trouble with this snare is baiting it successfully. (7.) 24. Found is thecompany at Holland House maybe. (6.) 27. Shouldered by subalterns. (4.)