Greedy Gordon
From Clive Cowen
Sir: Your leading article of 13 May (‘Sorry, you’re no Mrs Thatcher’) hit the spot when you wrote, ‘He [Mr Brown] and Mr Blair have tussled as if the office of prime minister belonged to them.’ Rather than those sullen looks in the background, rather than the innuendo of barely coded statements, rather than all the appearance of leaks from Mr Brown’s camp, it would have been so much more reassuring if Mr Brown had been a loyal and supportive colleague.
How can we trust a man to work for the nation’s best interests when he cannot be seen to be 100 per cent loyal to the Prime Minister, who appointed him? How can we trust a man who is so desperate to be prime minister? Surely this is an awesome responsibility that no sane man would so avidly seek? Could it be that the sort of person who is so overtly desperate for the job is really the last man we need?
Clive Cowen
Ramsden, Oxfordshire