Europeans Made The Usa
From Ronald Fletcher Sir: David Mayger (Letters, 20 May) seems to be unaware that the history of his country has been written many times, and that the salient fact to emerge is......
Greedy Gordon
From Clive Cowen Sir: Your leading article of 13 May (‘Sorry, you’re no Mrs Thatcher’) hit the spot when you wrote, ‘He [Mr Brown] and Mr Blair have tussled as if the office of......
Cashing In
From Frank Robinson Sir: David Meikle (Letters, 13 May) is naive in thinking that European countries are clamouring to join the EU because they share its values. It is because......
Kissing Men
From Oliver Mason Sir: In ‘The Spectator’s Notes’ (20 May) Charles Moore writes, ‘Merely 30 years ago, films of men kissing would have been banned in most European......
Theatrical Canard
From Michael Grosvenor Myer Sir: Michael Vestey (Arts, 20 May) retails yet again the canard that ‘ Look Back in Anger , attacked by most reviewers, was saved by Kenneth Tynan......
Roman Contraception
From Suzan Smith Sir: Sir Cliff Richard (‘It seemed to me that Tony was suffering’, 13 May) states that Jesus ‘obviously never got into contraception, because it did not then......
Mad, Bad And Hard To Say
From John Kiely Sir: Actually, the Iranian President originally had a quite uncomplicated name: Inejad (Shared opinion, 13 May). But after he had been in public life for a few......