The Swiss Diet published a bulletin, on the 22d instant,
notifying the imme- diate occupation of Zug, and the terms of its capitulation. They are to the effect that Zug retires from the Sonderbund ; that the Federal troops shall occupy the Canton on the 22d; that the troops shall be fed and quartered according to the regulations; that Zug shall disband its troops and deposit their arms in the Cantonal arsenal; and that the troops of the other Cantons of the Sonderbund shall quit the Zug territory.
The whole Federal army is stated to have crossed the frontier of Lucerne on the 22d. At Aaran, on the same day, was heard a protracted firing of musketry; and the Gazette de Bale conjectures that the Lucerne troops had fled.
The Paris Moniteur of Thursday published a Royal ordinance, summoning the Chambers of Peers and Deputies to meet on the 28th of December.
A report was current in Paris, that an internal malady by which the Prince de Joinville is afflicted will force him to quit the naval service.
The packet-ship Ivanhoe has brought to Liverpool New York news of the 9th instant. The accounts from Mexico, to the 7th October, speak of profound tran- quillity as reigning in the capital. The appointment of Perim y Pella had been revoked, and Santa Anna had again been elected President. General Paredes was at Tulancingo, endeavouring to establish a Monarchy. There were rumours of a victory gained by the American General Lane over Santa Anna at Guatamalta.