In The Central Criminal Court, Today, George Phipps, Aged...
and de- scribed as a harness-maker, was tried on a charge of feloniously forging a war- rant for the payment of 421. 9s. 11d., with intent to defraud the Governor and Company of......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. On Monday, the Directors of the Bank of England, without the formality of a notice, reduced their rate of discount to 7 per rent. It was......
The Queen Has Conferred Upon Lord Normanby The Grand Cross
of the Bath vacant by the death of Sir Robert Gordon. Three Arctic expeditions preparation to go in search of Sir Jobn Frank- lin and his party. One will be despatched Ma......
The Swiss Diet Published A Bulletin, On The 22d Instant,
notifying the imme- diate occupation of Zug, and the terms of its capitulation. They are to the effect that Zug retires from the Sonderbund ; that the Federal troops shall......
The Theatres.
Our readers have long been acquainted with Mr. Henry Taylor's Philip van Artevelde, as a published poem. It is the production of a man who has read much, and thought much, on......