On Tuesday M. Pichon made a long statement in the
French Chamber on the French claims in Morocco. He warned Mulai Hold in plain terms that the patience of France would not last indefinitely, and as the Envoys from Morocco were present during the debate, it is to be hoped that the firmness of his words will be represented to the Sultan. The policy of France is, in brief, to continue to occupy the Shawia district and Casablanca until her demands are satisfied, but she has no intention of gratifying the Chauvinists by undertaking superfluous military adventures. The financial demand which M. Pichon made to the Sultan's Envoys last summer, and has repeated ever since, is that Morocco shall discharge the debt and indemnity due to France by annual payments of £110,000 spread over seventy-five years. M. Pichon insists that besides undertaking to pay this sum, which is considered moderate by those who have knowledge of the circumstances,. the Sultan shall organise a police force to control the Shawia region, Casablanca, and the Algerian frontier. If the Sultan requires a loan, the French Govern- ment is willing to help him in every way.