The Berlin Correspondent Of The Times Sends A Most Enter-
taining account of the probing of the Leonardo-Lucas bust. Last Sunday the core was removed by a process of electric cautery, and was found to contain a large " piece of grey......
We Cannot Allow Lord Newton's Most Striking And Amusing...
to Thursday's debate to pass without a word of comment. Though Lord Newton hit many heads, and hit them very hard, good temper as well as good sense marked his speech......
The Very High Level Of The Debate Was Fully Maintained
on Thursday, when Lord Balfour of Burleigh delivered a speech which deeply impressed his audience, not only by its eloquence and sincerity, but by the weight of its arguments.......
The Third Annual Congress Of The British Constitution...
was held at Cambridge last week, proved of very great interest. Mr. Harold Co; M.P., gave an address on "Socialism and Individualism," which we trust will be printed verbatim by......
A Meeting Of The National Trust For Places Of Historie
Interest or Natural Beauty was held on Tuesday. It endorsed the Council's appeal for funds to purchase some land offered for building near Windsor Castle in order to preserve......
On The Government Side The Bishop Of Hereford Spoke, As
he always does, with a deep sense of conviction. The answer, he declared, which would come back from the people was : "Never again,—never again in this country shall the funda-......
Towards The Conclusion Of His Speech Lord Balfour Inci-...
dropped what appears to ns a very wise remark. He declared that in some respects the claims of both Houses of Parliament have been put too high by their respective admirers and......
Sir Edward Grey Put The Case For The Government With
force and moderation at Trowbridge on Wednesday. If once the right of the House of Lords to interfere or suspend the Budget was allowed, it would become impossible for a Liberal......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.
Oct. 21st. Consols (2k) were on Friday 82k—Friday week 821.......