Anthony Blond
Sarah Toynbee, one of six sisters of that intelligent ilk, has compiled The Penguin Book of Games (£4.50), mainly for grown- ups, which are variously cruel, sexy, boister- ous and clever. The games can be read for their own sake and some are difficult and need secret swotting, like 'Hamlet' whose objective is 'deftly and succinctly to bring to an untimely end any work of fiction, drama etc' viz. Waiting for Godot:
`Act f. Scene I (Enter Godot).'
or Lord of the Flies: `Chapter One: After a few hours on the island the boys were most relieved to see a vessel approaching.'
Less of an intellectual strain, and good for the sphincter, is 'Buttocks' a favourite apparently of the Royal Family. Bright fam- ilies should pawn their television sets and buy copies of this excellent little book.