27 NOVEMBER 1993, page 30

Letters Shorter The Better

Sir: I was 20 years at the Criminal Bar and then a criminologist. I refer to Paul John- son's disparagement (And another thing, 23 October) of British judges. He is right that......

Brighter Than Pheasants

Sir: How stunningly arrogant of Clifford Hughes to remark (Letters, 13 November), `After all, we Spectator readers are surely mainly male.' That's the sort of thing that makes......

Trouble With Numbers

Sir: My erstwhile partner in publishing, Anthony Blond, always was a bit shaky with his arithmetic — and not too hot on facts either (Books, 16 October). They Made Their Name......

Not Very Helpful

Sir: As a lawyer and former regular soldier, I found Max Hastings' reply (Letters, 20 November) to Mark Urban's intelligent piece (No room for the mad squads', 12 November) not......

Thirty-year Giant

Sir: I have two small children, and whole- heartedly endorse Emily Smith's sentiments regarding children's radio (Letters, 13 November). Thirty years ago the last ever......

Lost In Hampshire

Sir: Mr Julian Critchley is proud of his cam- paign to prevent Aldershot and its environs being reassigned to Surrey, but after read- ing his eulogy of the county of Hampshire......


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