27 NOVEMBER 1993, Page 37


Give a gift subscription of The Spectator to a friend and we wi I give you a full size bottle of ten year old Glenmorangie Single Highland Malt. But hurry, we have only a limited number of bottles to give away.

A gift announcement card will be sent on your behalf directly to the subscription recipient. Gift subscriptions will start from our Christmas double issue unless you request otherwise. Please allow 28 days for delivery of your Glenmorangie.

Please note - although we will happily send subscriptions overseas, we may only send Glenmorangie to addresses in the UK. Offer closes 31 December 1993.

SUBSCRIPIION RATES: For 1 year - £77.00 (UK); £85 (Europe); $125 (US airspeed); $175 (US airmail): £85 (RoW airspeed); £111 (RoW airmail). Airspeed delivery can be up to ten days slower than airmail..

Please send The Spectator each week for the period indicated above to:

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Destination address for bottle of Glenmorangie

Name: (BLOCK CAPITALS) Address.

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Date' To Place your order by telephone - call 0708 381122 with your credit card details. Send to: The Spectator, PO Box 14, Harold Hill, Romford, Essex RM3 8EQ

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