27 OCTOBER 1838, Page 3

At a meeting of the Church-rate Abolition Society, held on

Friday last, the following resolutions were adopted.

" 1. 'Chat this Committee renew their protest against Church-rates, as an impost, which is toiscriptaral, unjust, oppressive, and vexatious—alike dishonourable to the Established Church, and &illusions to Dissenters from her communion; and that they will persevere in the employment of every means which religion sanctions, and the British arnstitutinu permits. for its speedy, entire, and final extioction.

" 2. flat this Committee repeat the expression of their opposition to any plan for a settlement of the Chureh.rate question, u Inch shall transfer the harden to the Con. &Whittled F1111,I, the 1111011-t:IX, 01 any other branch of the national revenue. " 3. That whilst this Committee &limo., the strife and fanciness which the agitation of the subjection of Chorch.rates has occasioned in a large proportion of the parishes of the land, they are bound, notwithstanding. to rejoice in the politic :pith and Chris- tian principle which led to the presentation to the Muse 01 Common of 2,329 petitions, bearing 674,719 signature,, pray Mg for the extinction of Churc'a rates– the general opposition to this unrighteous impost, and in the success which, in a tea y great number or lost mines, has attended the eltirts of the supporters of the Voluntary principle ; and t his Corn inittee seriously uric the importance of continued local opposition, as one of the most of leieut 010:11171 of accomplishing its abolition.

" 4. That I his Committee will continue to afford gratuitous legal information and advice to the opponents of Church.rates. a henever applied to fur the same, and to aid local efforts by every means in their power. "5. Chat the friends of this Society he respectfully' solicited to subscribe to its funds; an I that contributions be received as hitherto, by the Treasurer, Richard Peek, Esq."