27 OCTOBER 1838, page 3

We Are Glad To Find That The Reformers Of The

Tower Hamlets are determined to support their late Representative, Dr. Litshington. It will be further necessary to keep in mind, that if the Tories have not hitherto been able......

In The Court Of Common Council, On Thursday, Deputy Tyers

presented a petition from James Stance, of the Minories, who had been elected " glassman " to the Corporation, complaining that the Committee of General Purposes had given an......

At A Meeting Of The Church-rate Abolition Society, Held On

Friday last, the following resolutions were adopted. " 1. 'Chat this Committee renew their protest against Church-rates, as an impost, which is toiscriptaral, unjust,......

Far Court.

THE Royal party at Windsor Castle has been enlivened this week by the arrival of an unusual guest. Earl Spencer, by her Majesty's com- mand, forsook for a while the society of......

A Preliminary Meeting, We Are Informed, Took Place At The

City of London Tavern on Tuesday, to take into consideration the necessity of colonizing the Falkland Islands ; and is said to have hem" well at- tended. A letter from Lord......

The Members Of The City Of London Corporation Reform...

the formation of which was mentioned last week, held a meeting on Thursday evening. The Chairman, Mr. Hannen, called attention to several facts connected with the expenditure of......