In the Court of Common Council, on Thursday, Deputy Tyers
presented a petition from James Stance, of the Minories, who had been elected " glassman " to the Corporation, complaining that the Committee of General Purposes had given an order for glass ware to Copeland and Garrett, of which house Alderman Copeland was the principal, in contravention of the standing order, which expressly pro- hibited any member of the Court, or his partners, from supplying articles for the use of the Corporation. Alderman Copeland said, that he knew nothing about the matter, and was not aware that his house had furnished the articles. Mr. Stevens observed, that the Com- mittee at any rate knew to whom they gave the order. Mr. Anderton, one of the Committee, said, that the order was given to Alderman Copeland's house because their samples were the best. The Lord Mayor said, that he had been charged "the enormous and astound- ing sum" of 731. 10s. for the use of glass, by the honourable Alder- man's house. Deputy Corney said, that the charge was for the repairs of the magnificent star at the west end of the hall. The peti- tion was referred to the Committee of General Purposes—that Com- mittee whose conduct was complained of!