John Teuton, a printer, was tried yesterday in the Central
Crimin a i.'otat, on a charge of conspiring with other persons to extort money Seam the Marquis of Downshire, by the publication of a pamphlet entitled "The Secret History;" professing to detail circumstances re- hiting to the late Lady Mary Hill, sister to the Marquis, which, it w13 said, would drive the Downshire family out of society. The materials of the pamphlet were furnished by a German, named Reiter- :hoffer, who had travelled on the Continent with Lady Mary 11111 and aer mother as courier. It was proved that the design of the prisoner a:n:1 his accomplices was to obtain money from Lord Downshire. Neiterhoffer bad told Teuton that he should get 5,0001. Placards were zahibited in the streets, at the expense of the prisoner, with the words
Faux pas of the Marquis of Downshire, and scandalous conduct in 'h life." The evidence was conclusive : Teuton was convicted, and -sentenced to fifteen months' imprisonment, and to give security in the sum of 2001. for good behaviour for five years. The scandalous cir- Tumstances alluded to on the trial are not given in the published evi- &nee.
Aaron Rawlins, an informer, was charged yesterday, at the Town- hall, Southwark, with taking a sovereign to quash an information. the case was made out against the man, and the Magistrates directed
ilo summonses should be issued to him in future. From the evi- dence in this case, it appeared that the Police are constantly in the 3,abit of receiving money to stop cases and "compound informations."
Monday and Tuesday a number of persons assembl.ed at Marylebone ?office-office, in consequence of a report that had got very generally abroad, that several noblemen and gentlemen were in custody for a siagular outrage committed at a tobacconist's in the Haymarket on Sunday morning. The report was, that the parties in question wished to obtain some cigars : finding the shop shut, they hired a hackney- aoach and drove the pole against the door of a shop, and thus suc- seeded in forcing it open. The report further alleged, that nine of the ringleaders were taken into custody, among whom was a certain well-known Marquis. The inquirers were told that no such case was likely to come before the Bench, as it was not in the Police-sheet ; and the C division of Police, in whose district the affair was presumed to have happened, disclaimed all knowledge of the occurrence. One gentleman who came to the office declared he had attended on behalf of a sporting Baronet, who was implicated in the transaction, as he had been ,elue.sted to do so by the party himself.—Courier. [Then, it would seem that the riot did occur, and that the Police were negligent, or had been bribed.1
On Thursday evening, Mr. Field, a pupil of Dr. Lardner, went on the Great Western Railway about three miles from Paddington, to .observe the " deflection of the rails on the south line," on which the passenger-train was moving. For this purpose, be lay directly across the north line; and unfortunately did not observe that an experimental 'train was coming on that line. The whole of the train passed over .his body; he was taken up mutilated and senseless, and died in a few minutes.
A fire broke out in Printing-house Square on Saturday night, and destroyed several buildings. The office of the Times newspaper was
in great danger, but escaped material injury. A boy in the service of Mr. M`Latiglilin, carpenter, was brought before the Magistrates at Guildhall on Tuesday, in consequence of a statement by Mary Brown and her daughter, resident in Printing-house Square, that the
bey was seen in the workshop of his master with two lighted candles on Saturday evening, and that he threw one of the candles on a heap
of shavings, and then, opening the window, shouted "fire." The boy said that a spark from the candle set the shavings on fire : he had taken the candle, contrary to his master's orders, to get some wood, Sir l'eter Laurie observed, that many of the fires culled accidental were not accidental ; but the boy was discharged, in default of more precise avidence against him.