The Whig and Tory journals differ widely as to the
results of the registration for the West Riding of Yorkshire. The Leeds Mercury allows a Tory gain of only 69 votes ; while the Leeds Intelligencer claims for its party a balance of 360 votes on the objections, and 376 on the new claims—together 736 votes.
The Tories' loss in Manchester, on the objections alone, is 19; but only 5 claims have been substantiated by Tories; while the Reformers
have added 22 to their numbers ; making a further gain of 17 to the Re- formers is whose total gain in the borough, on this registration and re- vision, s 36 votes, notwithstanding all the labours of the Tory Man- chester Borough Association.—Morning Chronicle.
The Conservative gain for East Cumberland is 51. Considerable though this gain be, it must not be taken as the only rule for measur- ing the progress which the Constitutional cause has made in EastCum- berland during the period which has intervened between the registra- tion just concluded and the former one. The most zealous of the
Whig. Radical party cannot disguise from themselves, that in the inter- val referred to, a surprising alteration has taken place in the tone of public feeling in this county. The "shabby Ministers " have fully
succeeded in convincing the whole country that they are quite as dis- honest as they have long been known to be incapable. Had the last election taken place under existing circumstances, Sir James Graham
would have been at the top of the poll. There is little doubt that East Cumberland will have the honour of returning two Conserve. tives next summer.—Carlisle Patriot.
The Tories boast of having beaten the Liberals in Carlisle.
In Berkshire, the total Conservative gain is 101; and we commend this to the especial attention of Robert John, Baron Carrington.— Buds Herald.
In Bath, Mr. Roebuck's friends have considerably augmented their strength ; and if a new election were now to take place, Lord Powers- court would certainly be defeated.
Alluding to the late Parliamentary registration in Brighton, the Brighton Patriot says- " It appears that there were 902 voters of those registered lately, who were set down on the poll-book as being of the Whig party. We arc not going here to dispute this statement; we only intend to prove that no inference can be drawn from it favourable to the Whig cause. There were 691 Tories set down to their account, making a difference of very little more than 200. What of drawn from it favourable to the Whig cause. There were 691 Tories set down to their account, making a difference of very little more than 200. What of this ? If the proportion were much greater, ay, double the number, no in- ference whatever could be drawn from it. The Whig party in this borough, as well as everywhere else, has been losing ground every day, and every hour of the day since the last election. Lord J. Russell's declaration, the Canada mea- sures, the Ballot, the Indemnity Bill, the Bengal Slavery Bill—have these things done the Whigs no harm, and taken no votes from their strength, here and elsewhere? Hundreds! hundreds! Even with the aid of the Tory-Radi- cals, says the writer, the Tories would not be able to beat the Whigs. Is the writer quite sure that the Radicals, every one of them, separate or conjoined, are not now thoroughly convinced, that a Tory Administration would be just as liberal as a Whig Administration? The humbug of copying the Tories, and denouncing them for the very things they do themselves, has been carried on by the Whigs until the eyes of the people are opened, and their hearts are sick. As soon as the Tories succeed to the Administration, from that moment one half at least of the votes set down to Whig account will desert."
The result of the registration for the Northern division of Durham has been to establish a clear gain upon the year of 121 votes on the Conservative interest; for the borough of Sunderland, a gain of 32 votes; and for the city of Durham a gain of 43 votes. In all direc- tions the Lambton influence is rapidly on the decline.—Newcastle Journal.
The Western Luminary asserts, that in East Cornwall the Tories sustained eight out of ten of their objections to voters, and that the Whigs failed in eight out of ten of theirs. Among the claims disal- lowed was that of Mr. Charles Buller, the Canadian Secretary.
The Liverpool Tories have had two large dinner-parties. The first was on Thursday week, and attended by 2,461 persons ; and the second on Friday. Lord Sandon and Mr. Cresswell were present at both entertainments, and were the chief speakers. The Liverpool Conser- vatives are very jovial and triumphant.