27 OCTOBER 1838, Page 6

The following is the Whig account of the result of

the recent re- gistries in Ireland, taken from the Dublin Evening Pose : it is not very hvourable- ,i A correspondent. upon whose accuracy full reliance may be placed, has forwarded us a communication, containing the result of the County of Dublin registration, just concluded. After all the vaunting of the Orange party, it Cum, out that they have obtained a gain of fire only upon the entire registry. Upon this slight advantage they have been raising a shout of triumph, and it has been proclaimed through all the organs that the county of Dublin was for ever lost to the Liberals! Why, after all the exertions that hod been made— the whipping-in of tenants — the intimidation— for it appears that intimi- dation has been openly and extensively resorted to, in order to prevent claimants an the Liberal interest from going before the Barrister ; nom ithstanding all this, the Tories have gained five. But how stands the constituency upon the hooks ? It is as well known as that George Evans and Lord &Jerson are the County !limbers, that if an election were to occur to-morrow, those 'Members would be reelected by a majority of, at least, 2110 votes. In fact, no Tory can- dela.* could be got to venture upon the hopeless speculation of opposing them. But still, we cannot but regret, most deeply, that the Orange patty should be ottowecl to gain any advantage, however, small or temporary, in the illetropo- Iman county. In general, we rejoice to find, the Liberals are not only holding their own, but strengthening their position throughout the eouritry ; but in some places—we more especially point to Car low county, S1,40 county, and Belfast—the Tories have gained upon the-registry just concluded. We know that, as regards Carlow, the Reform interest is impregnable ; that the present Tory gain has been caused by circumstances of a temporary nature, and that the next registry will much more than counterbalance the recent 10,3 of the Liberals. We are aware that in Belfast the Reformers gained at the preceding registry more than they have lost at the last. We know, too, that the Tory advantage in the county of Sligo is mainly cawed by the determination of Lihe- tale not to submit their claims to the adjudication of the Registering Barrister, Mr. Robinson, so many of whose decisious have been revers' tl, even by Tory Judges; and partly by the scandalous conduct of some of the leading Liberal proprietors in neglecting the registry of their tenants. Admitting, however, all that can be urged in the way of counteracting causes, we must say that there still appears to be a great luck of exertion upon the part of the Reform- ers generally."

The Tories boast that they are beating the Liberals generally in the Parliamentary registries.