27 OCTOBER 1838, Page 7

In consequence of the failure of the harvest in Sweden,

the Govern- ment of that country issued a Ro isd Proclamation on the 10th instant, prohibiting the distilling of srirds from corn fur the next two months. There had been some fresh riots at Stockholm, and the King's journey to Norway had been put off.—Courier.

The accounts from Sydney are rather favourable than otherwise; though it appears that the settlers on the Upper Hunter River were much annoyed by bush-rangers, and those at Port Philip by the native tribes, who continually harassed the owners of flocks and herds. This circumstance had led to a petition to the Governor for better protection. The colonists at Port Philip had complained much of the heavy rates of interest at that place ; which had induced the Go. vernor to advise the Bank of Australia to establish a branch at that place, which was about to be effected by the transmission of 3,000/. in specie and notes under the management of a director and subordi- nate officers. The Local Legislature was engaged in remodelling the Colonial Bill for Imprisonment fur Debt ; and the number of emi- grants which had arrived at Sydney from this country between the 2d of June and the 6th of July amounted to 500 persons ; showing a very considerable tide in the turn of emigration to our Australian colonies, of which the disturbance of the I:amides have doubtless been the chief cause.— Times.

The ship Amelia Thompson, Captain Dawson, which sailed from Plymouth on the 28th of March last, with a great number of emi- grants, arrived at Sydney on the 1st of July. Fever had broken out on board, and upwards of forty of the passengers had died. At the date of the latest accounts, (July 6,) the ship was riding at quarantine.

The cholera was killing many persons in Calcutta towards the end of March; but a refreshing rain, which fell on the 9th of April, was expected to stop the progress of the malady, and purify the atmo- sphere.