It has been recently stated in some of the newspapers,
that Lord L— recovered a gold snuff box which had been lost at a fashionable dinner-party. The facts are as follow : Lord and Lady L— were recently on a vist at the residence of Mr. Winston Barron, M. P., near Waterford, where several other guests were assembled. After dinner, one evening, Lord L.— missed a very valuable gold snuffbox ; but all search to recover it was in vain. At length the box was discovered - in the shop of a jeweller in Dublin ; and it was traced to Captain D—, who held a commission in a regiment stationed in this city, and who had been a visiter at Mr. Barron's on the evening the box was taken. The Captain, who is the sun of a General in the Army, and connected with sonic very distinguished military officers, has since sold out, and, it is said, left the country.— Times Dublin Correspondent.